Do you often find yourself all wrapped up, thinking about your imperfections? If so, it could be getting in the way of your happiness. Embrace your imperfections, everyone has flaws.
Every human being has flaws. However, many fight against them, harshly criticizing themselves for not being perfect.
There is a lot of pressure in social media today to be a perfect person. Unfortunately, this just isn’t possible, so most of us end up feeling like a failure or develop feelings of self-hatred. Self-talk like, “I can’t do it,” or “I’m not good enough.” is self-limiting in itself.
If you want to learn to love yourself, embrace yourself, imperfections and all. Why is it important to get comfortable with your flaws? There are benefits that this acceptance can deliver.
What are the benefits of imperfections?
When you start to embrace your imperfections, you’ll start to see them more positively. Believe it or not, there are some positives to imperfections. For example, if you suffer with anxiety, you may beat yourself up for not being able to do certain things that come easily to others. However, a positive of anxiety is that it often makes you more empathetic. That is a great trait that is pretty rare in this day and age.

Your imperfections make you relatable.
It is a fine line between trying to be perfect and faking it. People can see right through that. They may not know exactly why they feel awkward around you either. Because no one is perfect, we can all relate to each other. Not everyone can be Martha Stewart, who, by the way, isn’t perfect either. Stop trying to be someone you are not.
Flaws are also considered more attractive than you might realize.
I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “cute little quirk”. It may be the reason you are endeared by some of your friends and family. So, start to look for the positives in your flaws and realize that everyone has them.
Embracing your flaws will be freeing.
When you are so caught up in yourself and your imperfections, it can make you feel trapped under constant pressure. By embracing them, it helps to set you free. Nothing is more freeing than living your life without the constant weight of belittling yourself. Once you accept your flaws, you’ll feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.
Focus on Who You Are
When you are so focused on your imperfections, it can stop you from being who you truly are. It causes you to chase an ideal that you aren’t ever going to live up to. However, when you let go of your imperfections, your authentic self, your true personality will start to shine through. If you feel like you have lost who you wanted to be, start letting go of your need to be perfect
It isn’t healthy.
Living your life constantly focused on your imperfections isn’t healthy either. It impacts your perspective on things, causing you to make choices you wouldn’t necessarily make. You may not feel comfortable with the way you act while trying to be perfect. This is a hint that you are trying to force yourself to be perfect. There is a little definition for that feeling. It is called imposter syndrome. “People who struggle with imposter syndrome believe that they are undeserving of their achievements and the high esteem in which they are, in fact, generally held. They feel that they aren’t as competent or intelligent as others might think—and that soon enough, people will discover the truth about them. Those with imposter syndrome are often well accomplished; they may hold high office or have numerous academic degrees”.

Depression is not uncommon.
Constantly stressing over the things that you are not, can actually have a negative impact on your mental health too. We have often heard of the person who falls into depression because they feel that they are worthless. There are some very nasty people on social media as well. Often the root cause is comparing themselves to others. I know that I told my girls not to do that many times while they were growing up.
So, if you want to improve the way that you feel about yourself, start embracing your imperfections. It is hard enough to navigate this socially centered world as ourselves, much less trying to be someone you are not. That can make it very painful, and unnecessary.
Practice good self-talk and embrace your imperfections.
These are just some of the reasons why you need to learn to embrace your flaws and not force yourself to be perfect. It is going to take practice to change the way you think about yourself. You are a valuable person, just the way God made you. Tell yourself that on a regular basis. Remember, nobody in this life is perfect, not even you, and you never will be. The sooner you accept this and know that it’s OK, the better your life will become.
There is a medical form that is in the form of a quiz called, The Depression Scale Questionnaire.
I have a printable of that quiz and the directions, plus I have included a cover sheet to use when you go to your physician next. Since Poor self worth and a Poor outlook on life are symptoms of depression, if you feel this way, check the quiz out. By the Way…
If you, or anyone you know have ideals of suicide, please call the suicide hotline.
- Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 any time of day. The Lifeline provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.
You can download it HERE
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