Is it harder to enter the workforce as an empty nester?
While I had the privilege to stay at home for the early years of my first 3 children, I was offered and accepted a job working in my ex-husband’s family office supply store when my youngest was 4 and the others were, 8, 10, and 12.
Although I had some help with the children, I was totally unprepared for the work world.
I had a few continuing education classes under my belt, and even in 1992 I had Computer Applications Specialist certification (TSR80, Which means absolutely NOTHING today). Having a Bank Teller Training certificate was pointless too. I used neither of them, but I did find the continued education valuable. I knew enough to use a cash register but not run the store. So, yes, I eventually had to go back to school.
Continuing education is offered by great colleges online too if you choose to learn from home.
Jump forward a few years. When the children were in high school, except for the youngest, my husband and I separated. I had been going to college pursuing a nursing degree and was finishing my 2nd year of prerequisites.
I could not continue going to college and provide for my children at the same time. And I could see divorce in my close future. The blessing was that I had all the prerequisites done for a lesser nursing degree and switched from traditional college to technical college.
If you are planning on going back to school?
May I suggest your local Technical school? It is good for high school grads and also people who need to brush up on a chosen field, or to learn something new. I always had the desire to be a nurse. From an early age I knew what I wanted to be “When I grow up”. How did I achieve it? I took my prerequisites at the Community College and transferred over to Technical College for my Licensed Practice Nurse training. It was the perfect path for me. I graduated within one year from the start and I was 37.
I started my classes at Community College when I was 35 years old. The children were not all out of the house, and I was not an Empty Nester yet. But it goes to show that if you know what you want to do, there is a path to do it. At Any Age.
Is it harder to enter the workforce as an empty nester?
Get ahold of a brochure from a couple of Technical colleges and check it out. It is amazing what credentials you can achieve attending Tech School.
Here are a few certificates that you can earn;
- Dental hygienist,
- Dental tech,
- Medical Tech,
- Phlebotomy,
- Computer Technician,
- Automotive Mechanic,
- Para Educator,
- Cosmetologist, and the list goes on.
Tech school usually has 1-2 year programs and some of them less. This will be the most bang for your buck. Scholarships are available for both community college and tech school no matter what your age is. Apply.
So is it harder to join the work force as an Empty Nester?
It depends on your learning ability. I barely skated through high school but aced college. I had a clear goal, and a path to follow, all I needed to do it buckle down and do it.
Not every job will require additional education.
There are a plethora of jobs right now available, resulting from the Corona Virus epidemic. It just might be the perfect time to go back to work. Grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, home improvement stores, copy shops, dry cleaners, etc. are hiring. It seems that on every corner there are HELP WANTED signs.
I did find it extremely valuable to stay at home with the children when they were young. Even though it was years before I was able to pursue my nursing dream.
Having the opportunity to to teach them the values that I hold and to raise them in the “Admonitions of the Lord” was pretty wonderful.
In conclusion, It is not always harder to enter the workforce now that we have become Empty Nesters.
Continued education is available. Help Wanted signs are all over town. These can be quick wins. Be your awesome self and seize the day!
Now a little pep talk… You are so very valuable to our economy and always have been. Weather you are a vendor or salesman, or consumer, you are essential to the economy bouncing back. Neither your age, gender or ethnic background has any place in your importance. We are all in this thing called AMERICAN VALUES together. I believe in you 100%
If you have any questions or want to bounce an idea off of me, I am here. Respond to this post and I will respond to you. I have a little something for you to help you get up and at em’. Here is a 4 piece set of printable calendar and planner sheets that are geared to daily self care and planning your days and weeks. Also included, is a calendar of 2022 to keep with your daily plans.
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